
21 - 30 of 103 articles

WMU of Texas Hurricane Ida Relief

by Brandi Jones on September 15, 2021 in Blog

Learn how your WMU of Texas group can support Louisiana churches impacted by Hurricane Ida.

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We Must Do Something!

by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 15, 2021 in Blog

It may not be easy or convenient, but Christ has given us our “marching orders” to not be idle but to be His hands, feet, and voice to our hurting state.

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My Responsibility, Now

by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 8, 2021 in Blog

The call is now for all Texas Baptists to join together. I Am Texas Missions! What will you do?

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Praying for Your Child from Head to Toe

by Earl Ann Bumpus on September 1, 2021 in Blog

This can be a great year if we are faithful to pray for our children, grandchildren, and all children from head to toe!

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Praying The News

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 26, 2021 in Blog

If you read or listen to today’s news, you know how crucial it is for us to pray now! Here's how you can use the news as prayer prompts.

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Who Me?

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 19, 2021 in Blog

It seems there are so many distractions in our world today that it may be hard to hear God calling. When we hear Him, how will we respond?

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Managing and Overcoming Fear

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 12, 2021 in Blog

What fears are you dealing with? What fears do you have that prevent you from sharing Christ with others? Will you admit your fears, take His hand, and follow His call on your life?

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Necessity is the Mother of Invention

by Earl Ann Bumpus on August 4, 2021 in Blog

Where two or more are gathered…has taken on new meaning to me as we are gathered together by Zoom!

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We Have a Story to Tell

by Earl Ann Bumpus on July 28, 2021 in Blog

I woke up this morning with this song, We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations, in my head. What a great missions hymn it is and one that, unfortunately, isn’t sung much these days in our churches.

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Quarterly Roundtables for WMU Associational Leaders

by Freddie Martinka on July 22, 2021 in Blog

If you're an associational leader or DOM at a Texas Baptists association, we invite you to attend our quarterly roundtable discussions with Executive Director-Treasurer Tamiko Jones.

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